At what age did you get your child their own library card?
My kiddos love going to our local library to check out books and movies. Even though they get to check out books from their school library each week, they always ask to go to the "big" library too. In their earlier years I checked out books for them under my account but recently signed them up for their own cards. They love the checking out process using their own membership cards each visit! How old were your kiddos when they got their cards or how old do you think they need to be?
In order to attend the baby & me activities in our library, my daughter needed a library card for class registration at 6 months old. Yes, 6 months old. It is bizarre if you ask me.
This made me laugh out loud! A 6 month old with a library card.... she must really be going places! ;D
In our town, along with kindergarten registration there is form from the library for children to get their very own library card.
That's awesome! What a great way to encourage reading and make the kindergarten year even more exciting.
My boys got theirs when they were about 6 and 8. They are learning a lot about overdue library books. Thankfully our library doesn't charge fees.
Many of the school districts in our area take field trips to the library to get a library card, learn about the resources, and check out their very first book. This simultaneously warms my heart and makes me sad for all the kids who've never been to the library before...