A joyful toddler raising colorful musical instruments while playing with an adult, in a vibrant indoor environment.

Toddler Classes & Drop In Play Times - Indianapolis

These toddler classes, drop-in programs and open play times around Indianapolis offer little ones and their grown-ups a chance to get out of the house and play alongside other families.

Like mommy and me classes, these toddler programs engage young children with music, art, movement and other age-appropriate activities meant just for them.

Share your experience with toddler classes near you by adding a review for any listed below, or by suggesting a new place to add to the list! Be sure to "like" your favorites, too, so they can rise to the top for other parents to discover.

These indoor playgrounds around Indianapolis are another great way to pass the time with toddlers, and don't forget about your local library and other cool story times worth bookmarking!

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    Dana Mannix Gymnastics - Daytime Playtime

    Children are free to roam throughout the gym and to try different stations. An instructor will be present to monitor stations and answer any questions. Ages 2-4 must have a parent with them in the gym at all times. Ages 5 and up can go without a parent.

    Indianapolis, IN

    Indy Stars Gymnastics - Preschool Open Play

    Your littlest gymnasts can bounce, run and tumble at Preschool Open Gym at Indy Stars Gymnastics on Wednesday and Thursday mornings!

    Indianapolis, IN

    Hamilton County Sports Complex - Preschool Open Gym

    The preschool open gym at HCSC is in their gymnastics room, where all the equipment is available. The gym has a trampoline with a small foam pit, balance beams, a springboard, bars, vault mats, and a couple of tiny slides, among other things.

    Noblesville, IN

    uPaint Pottery Studio - uPaint a Story

    Your little one will love story time at uPaint. Your child will enjoy group story time, followed by pottery painting. Every month has a different theme, so your kiddo will get to do something new every time. You can sign up online, or drop-ins are welcome as well.

    Noblesville, IN

    Sky Zone - Little Leapers

    Little Leapers is a fun, high-energy play adventure created for parents and little ones to enjoy together. You’ll love watching your child bounce, climb and explore in a safe environment while interacting with similar age children and learning about sharing, teamwork, and other important social skills.

    Indianapolis, IN

    Urban Air Adventure Park - Jumperoo

    Bring your preschoolers and tots to Jumperoo from 10 am -12 pm most Thursdays and Fridays during the school year! The park is closed to all except the 5 & under kiddos and their adult(s)! This event is only valid during the school year. It is not valid during school breaks.

    Franklin, IN

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Upparent collects community-submitted recommendations and reviews, and any ideas that are shared reflect the opinions of individual contributors.

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