Cover of a list featuring books about bullying, titled '15 Must-Read Books About Bullying for Every Kid'.

15 Must-Read Books About Bullying for Every Kid

Parents are recommending the books about bullying that have helped them approach this difficult subject with their kids in an age-appropriate way.

They are great conversation starters for important lessons about bullying prevention, standing up for others, and choosing kindness.

Please add any of your favorite anti-bullying books to the list to help fellow parents.

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    I Walk With Vanessa: A Story About a Simple Act of Kindness

    Vanessa M. said:  Sometimes simple acts of kindness are all it takes to make a difference. This wordless book about kindness explores the tension between seeing someone being bullied and becoming courageous enough to do something about it. The last pages offer a helpful guide for handling bullying for both kids and adults.


    Kristy Pepping said:  This bullying book uses colors and numbers to share a message in a way that is easily grasped by young children. The color red bullies blue and the other colors don't like it, but what will they do? The story has a great message about the importance of standing up for yourself and speaking up for what is right.

    Llama Llama and the Bully Goat

    Sue Krawitz Tandoc said:  This Llama Llama book on bullying depicts a classroom where all the animals play and get along together except for Gilroy, the bully goat. He taunts, teases, kicks and says mean things, but the teacher steps in to say it is not okay to bully and he gets a time out. At the end, he learns to stop bullying and be a friend.

    Jungle Bullies

    A simple picture book with an easy-to-understand anti-bullying message. Each animal bullies one other animal, creating a bullying cycle, until little monkey realizes it is wrong.

    Freak the Mighty

    Kelly R said:  Two boys who are very different in both size and smarts form a friendship that brings out the best in both of them. This is a sad one, so keep that in mind if you have a sensitive child.

    Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully

    Sue Krawitz Tandoc said:  This kids bullying book educates children on handling a problem such as a bully in a peaceful way. It also conveys that bullies may want to change but need some help. This book is a great addition to the well-loved Kissing Hand Series.

    Lion vs. Rabbit

    Sue Krawitz Tandoc said:  Lion is a big bully to all the other animals, and everyone is afraid to stand up to him. The animals are fed up and devise a plan to get him to stop bullying.

    Justin and the Bully

    Sue Krawitz Tandoc said:  This early reader book about bullying shows kids that bullying will never enable a person to succeed, especially in a team environment. It also demonstrates that a team is made up of different people and everyone can contribute to the good of a team, regardless of their size or ability.


    Kristy Pepping said:  This book on bullying is written for kids who know about bullying, but who could benefit from a relevant example that they can relate to. Bully deals with the topic of cyber bullying, which many students begin to experience in middle school, and being a good friend.

    Big Red and the Little Bitty Wolf

    Sue Krawitz Tandoc said:  In this spin on Little Red Riding Hood, a girl bullies Little Bitty wolf. Notes at the end help parents recognize the signs of bullying and how they can help their child.


    Kristy Pepping said:  Judy Blume's Blubber has been around for a while, but the book's message still rings true today. The storyline starts with a girl named Linda who does her book report on whales. One classmate gives her the nickname Blubber. After that, several of her classmates tease her daily. This message of one bully and a bunch of followers shows kids first-hand how it feels to be bullied.

    The Proudest Blue

    Alexandra F. said:  A beautifully told and gorgeously illustrated story about two sisters, one of whom is wearing the hijab to school for the first time. As the older sister checks in on the younger throughout the day, they recall and put into practice lessons about personal strength, knowing who you are, and not allowing hurtful words to bring you down.


    Kristy Pepping said:  Chrysanthemum loves her unique name until she is teased in school because of it. Over the course of the book, she learns to love her name again and realizes it's okay to be different from others. This is a great book to build self-confidence and teaches kids that everyone is truly unique and that's okay and good.

    The Juice Box Bully: Empowering Kids to Stand Up for Others

    Kristy Pepping said:  A lot of times kids notice other kids being bullied and either don't want to get involved or fear they will be bullied themselves so they do nothing. This book teaches a great lesson in standing up if you see someone being bullied.

    Letters to a Bullied Girl: Messages of Healing and Hope

    Kristy Pepping said:  Fictional stories about bullying are great, but a lot of times older children need something more relatable. Here's a good book about bullying for teens. Olivia Gardner's story of being bullied was heard by two teens in a different town and they started a campaign of writing letters of support to this girl. Letters in the book are from all over the country.

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