Two girls in yellow dresses joyfully playing hand clapping games against a light green background.

12 Hand Clapping Games (Lyrics + Video Tutorials!)

We’ve scoured the internet to find the best video tutorials of the hand clapping games kids love to play, with lyrics to make them even easier to learn!

Great for reinforcing coordination, memory, and rhythm, these clapping games are also just lots of fun! And, an easy way to keep kids entertained at home or on the go.

Know of a hand clapping game we’ve missed, or have an even better tutorial for one? Share the link as a tip or new recommendation below so we can add it to the list! Like your kids’ favorite hand games, too, so the more popular ones can rise to the top for other families to discover.


    Apples on a Stick Clapping Dance

    Apples on a stick,

    Make me sick,

    Makes my heart go,


    Not because I’m dirty,

    Not because I’m clean,

    Just because I read it in a magazine.

    Dogs, frogs,

    Having fun

    Here comes a cat

    With a super loud hum.

    It can quibble, it can squabble.

    It can even do the splits.

    But I betcha ten dollars,

    That it can’t do this.

    Close your eyes,

    And count to ten.

    If you mess it up

    You’re a spunky funky hen.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

    You didn’t mess it up

    So you’re my best friend!

    Concentration 64 Clapping Game

    Concentration 64

    No repeats

    Or hesitation

    I go first

    You go second

    Category is…

    [Pick a category! Fruits, Superheroes, Harry Potter…]


    Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake

    Baker's man

    Bake me a cake

    As fast as you can

    Roll it, pat it and mark it with a "b"

    And put it in the oven for baby and me

    Double, Double Clapping Game

    Double, double, this, this

    Double, double, that, that

    Double this, double that

    Double, double, this, that

    Miss Mary Mack Hand Clapping Game

    Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack

    All dressed in black, black, black

    With silver buttons, buttons, buttons

    Up and down her back, back, back.

    She asked her mother, mother, mother

    For fifty cents, cents, cents,

    To see the elephants, elephants, elephants,

    Jump the fence, fence, fence.

    They jumped so high, high, high,

    They touched the sky, sky, sky,

    And they never came back, back, back,

    To the Fourth of July, ly, ly.

    Slide Hand Clapping Game

    This hand clapping game doesn't have any lyrics! Just keep increasing the number of claps in each round to go as high as you can.

    Twee Lee Lee (Rockin’ Robin) Hand Game

    Tweet, twee lee lee

    Rockin' in the tree top

    All day long

    Hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song

    All the little birdies on Jaybird Street

    Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet

    Rockin’ robin

    Tweet, twee lee lee

    Rockin’ robin

    Tweet, twee lee lee

    Go rockin’ robin

    ’Cause we’re really gonna rock tonight

    Tic Tac Toe Hand Clapping Game

    Tic tac toe

    Give me an X

    Give me an O

    Give me three in a row

    [Don’t get shot by a UFO]

    Lemonade Crunchy Ice Game


    Crunchy ice

    Beat it once

    Beat it twice


    Crunchy ice

    Beat it once

    Beat it twice

    Turn around [players turn around]

    Touch the ground [players touch the ground]

    Kick your boyfriend out of town [players kick legs out]


    Elevator Hand Clap

    Elevator one says STOP

    Elevator two says STOP

    Elevator three says

    Keep on going 'till your palms get sweaty and hot

    A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea Hand Clap

    A sailor went to sea sea sea,

    To see what he could see see see.

    But all that he could see see see,

    Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea.

    A sailor went to chop chop chop,

    To see what he could chop chop chop.

    But all that he could chop chop chop,

    Was the bottom of the deep blue chop chop chop.

    A sailor went to knee knee knee,

    To see what he could knee knee knee.

    But all that he could knee knee knee,

    Was the bottom of the deep blue knee knee knee.

    A sailor went to sea chop knee,

    To see what he could sea chop knee.

    But all that he could sea chop knee,

    Was the bottom of the deep blue sea chop knee.

    Bobo Ski Watten Clapping Game

    Bo bo see otten totten

    Nay Nay I am boom boom boom

    Itty bitty otten totten

    Bo bo see otten totten

    Bo bo see otten totten

    Boom boom boom

Primary photo:   Ron Lach on Pexels

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