16 Manners Books That Subdued the Rude
Parents, let's share the manners books that we have found most helpful with our kids!
Books about manners are good tools to have in your toolbox when you teach life skills like proper etiquette, table manners, politeness and respect.
There's more inspiration for learning good behavior on our lists of books about kindness and sharing.
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The Thank You Book
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: In the final edition from the well-loved series by Mo Willems, Elephant and Piggie remember their manners and say thank you to all of the many characters who were in the series. I like that Piggie thanked them for specific reasons from their roles in the books. Last but far from the least, the reader is thanked for their devotion to the series.
Excuse Me! A Little Book of Manners
Kelly R said: Little ones love Karen Katz' adorable picture books, and this manners book for toddlers proves that it's never too early to learn. The book introduces the use of "please," "thank you," "excuse me," and "I'm sorry" through interactive flaps illustrating simple situations that are familiar to kids and spark good conversations about proper behavior. Much easier to develop politeness when starting from the very beginning!
Do Unto Otters
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: A family of otters moves in near a rabbit who teaches the cardinal rule of treating "otters" the way you want to be treated. This is a good book about manners such as friendliness, kindness, politeness, gratitude and consideration, with easy to understand examples. The story also touches on being cooperative, following the rules, being honest, sharing and never bullying.
The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: Brother and Sister Bear have forgotten their manners and Mama Bear creates a plan to get them back on track. This book scores big in teaching kids the importance of having good manners in a fun and friendly way that only the Berenstain Bears can do. It teaches politeness, appreciation, being kind to others and always doing the right thing.
The Bear Who Stared
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: Bear is curious and shy and likes to stare, but the other animals don't appreciate being under his watchful eye. He learns a tip from a frog that saves the day and helps him learn how to make friends and stop staring. This cute manners book will teach kids to be curious in other ways, such as smiling and being friendly, asking questions and creating conversation.
My Mouth is a Volcano
Shila said: This funny book about manners takes a creative approach to teaching children about interrupting through the perspective of a lovable boy named Louis that has a "volcano" in him. The book's tone offers empathy to kids - like a volcano's eruption, words can be hard to control!
Emily's Everyday Manners
Alexandra F. said: For almost a hundred years the Post family has been teaching us about proper etiquette, and with this picture book Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning make these principles accessible to kids. Emily and her friend Ethan take us through their day, showing us how they use good manners in all situations they encounter with their families, friends, at school, even on special occasions. The lively, colorful illustrations are a wonderful complement to the story and my kids loved the dialogue between characters, giving concrete examples of etiquette dos and don'ts.
Tea for Ruby
Vanessa M. said: Leave it to the Dutchess of York to teach your little one about proper etiquette! This sweet book, written by Sarah Ferguson, follows Ruby as she is invited to go to tea with the Queen. In preparation for the fancy event, Ruby's family and friends give her gentle reminders about how to behave.
Please! Thank You!
Kristy Pepping said: If you have kids, you know how embarrassing "give me" can be! Teaching good manners and respect at an early age is important. This book is about four children. They go around and learn it's important to always say please and thank you. Plus, the book comes with reward stickers for good behavior at home!
Table Talk: A Book About Table Manners
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: This book helped improve my kids' table manners after one read. Clever prose and rhyming sentences teach about using silverware, chewing with your mouth closed, not having electronics at the table, thanking the cook and much more.
Manners Can Be Fun
Juan L. said: A fun stylized drawing style with limited text makes this a great visual manners book for kids, showing why manners are important in all types of situations: at home with family, in the classroom with teachers, and on the playground with friends.
I Want My Dinner!
Jennie Utsinger said: This cute manners book is a lesson in "please" and "thank you" for little kids. A little princess is constantly reminded to say "please" and learns the importance of being polite.
Holler Loudly
Sue Krawitz Tandoc said: A little boy with a loud mouth gets in plenty of trouble, and the entire town regularly asks him to hush. But when a twister appears out of the blue, Holler yells so loudly to make it go away that he saves the town. He then learns to be quiet at the right times!

Hands Are Not for Hitting
Erika Zuckero said: A great book to teach little ones to respect physical boundaries and exchange hitting for, say, hugging, helping, or playing! Invaluable!

Say Please, Stitch
Erika Zuckero said: A great way to teach Please and Thank You using beloved Disney character, Stitch.
Primary photo: Upparent
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