A young child in a yellow shirt exploring outdoors, casting a shadow on the ground.

Fun Things to Do on a Walk With Your Kids

We've collected a list of fun things to do on a walk with your kids. Above enjoying nature-in-the-raw, these creative and engaging ideas can be especially fun for young families. Have fun, play games, and learn on your walks too!


    Kindness Rocks

    Vanessa M. said:  Paint kindness rocks and hide them around your neighborhood or a local nature trail!


    Sidewalk Chalk Messages

    Shila said:  Draw funny messages, write words of encouragement, draw hop scotch squares for your neighbors and fellow walkers, etc. Keep a bucket of chalk out and encourage them to write something back.


    Take Digital Pictures

    Shila said:  Become a nature photographer! Kids love to take pictures and you'd be surprised to see what outdoor items actually inspire them! If you're willing, allow your kids to use your digital camera phone to capture their shots. Or, purchase a disposable one.

    Scavenger Hunt

    Shila said:  You'll need to prep ahead for this one - write a checklist of items to search and discover. Simple items to find could include: a bird's nest, an Oak tree, fire hydrant, a squirrel, etc.

    ABC Game

    Shila said:  Pick a letter, then pick any category like "girl names" or "adjectives." Then go down the alphabet together A-Z and identify an associated word to that category. I.e., Girl Names: "Annie, Betty, Carol, Dana..." etc.; Adjectives: "Amazing, Brave, Courteous, Daring..." etc.

    Play "I Spy"

    Shila said:  Take turns with "I spy with my eye"... and encourage your kids to guess what it is.

    Obstacle Course Challenges

    Shila said:  Come up with a few obstacle challenge course rules to follow for fun. For example, "step on a crack; break your mama's back!" It's an easy way to spice up a casual stroll around the neighborhood.

    Beautify Your Neighborhood

    Shila said:  Bring a plastic bag in your back pocket. If you discover a piece of litter, try to safely grab and dispose of it. This hands-on lesson can help kids learn more about protecting our environment.


    Draw Your Shadow

    Shila said:  Who's that following you? Stop for a moment, stand still, and outline your child's shadow in chalk!

    Play "Name That Tune"

    Shila said:  Can you whistle? Play "name that tune" with catchy songs, and test if you're truly on-key or not!

    20 Questions

    Shila said:  Think of something - anything! Your peers have 20 yes or no questions to guess what it could be.


    ABC Outdoor Discovery Game

    Shila said:  You've certainly played this popular road trip game with kids, right? The object is to discover items out your car window that each begin with a corresponding letter of the alphabet using billboards or license plates, etc. Well, it can also be played in your neighborhood or nearby trail on a walk! As you stroll around, try to find items that each start with letters of the alphabet. I.e., "Acorn, Bird, Car, Dirt..." etc.


    Collect Leaves

    Shila said:  Collect leaves for easy art or science projects at home. Can you challenge yourself to find all the colors of the rainbow?


    Little Free Library

    Shila said:  Check with your local municipal to see if you (or the neighborhood) would like to host a Little Free Library. You can obtain official building kits online. Leave a book, take a book!

    Category Games

    Shila said:  Category-type naming games involve identifying as many items as you can within that category. How many types of desserts can you name? How many countries can you name? How many different characters in Harry Potter can you name?

Primary photo:   Will Francis on Unsplash

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