Volunteer Opportunities for Kids Around Chicago
It can be tough to find local volunteer opportunities for kids, so we've compiled a list of places in Chicago and the suburbs that allow families with younger children to participate. We're also gathering your recommendations for for holiday volunteer events that welcome families with younger children!
Volunteering at home is a wonderful solution for families who want to make a difference, though there is nothing quite like helping out in your own community.
Has your family tried any kids volunteer opportunities around Chicago? Share your experience below by adding a review or suggesting another favorite organization for the list!

Phil's Friends
Phil's Friends offers hand-assembled care packages and cards for cancer patients across the country. Kids can help make blankets, design cards, color care packages, and more -- making it the perfect volunteer opportunity for all ages. You can either volunteer remotely by making cards at home and mailing them in or they host families, groups, scouts, etc at their Hope Center.
Crown Point, IN
Share Your Soles
Founder Mona Purdy was running in a local race in Guatemala when she saw that many children had tar painted on their feet. Learning that they did so to protect their feet since they had no shoes - and that this lack of protection led to amputations due to infection - Share Your Soles was born. Since its founding it has provided millions of pairs of new and gently used shoes to those in greatest need around the world. Donations for new or like-new, high-quality shoes are always welcome, and volunteers can also set up a fundraiser, shoe drive, or volunteer opportunity.
Chicago, IL
The Birthday Party Project
With the help of our birthday enthusiasts (that’s you!) The Birthday Party Project celebrates birthday kids experiencing homelessness across the country! There are plenty of ways to help apart from the birthday parties, including writing birthday cards, recording birthday messages, and raising money on your own birthday!
Chicago, IL
The Honeycomb Project
The Honeycomb Project was founded in 2011 by two moms who wanted to do more community service with their families but knew how hard it was to do with young kids! Focused on offering multi-generational volunteer opportunities for families, The Honeycomb Project partners with dozens of organizations to serve individuals, families and communities in need around Chicago, and offer hands-on experiences for volunteers of all ages.
Chicago, IL
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
By sharing their friendship and time, our volunteers truly change the lives of adults 70 and older aging alone. Children regularly volunteer alongside parents or with school groups.
Chicago, IL
PAWS Chicago
If you’re 12–17 years old and have a passion for animals, you can make an impact on the lives of homeless pets. Join PAWS JV and help give PAWS pets a clean, safe, loving environment while volunteering alongside a parent or guardian.
Chicago, IL
Greater Chicago Food Depository
The Greater Chicago Food Depository provides volunteers with a variety of Chicago volunteer opportunities to get involved and end food insecurity. On designated Kids' Days, you can get the family involved and participate in repack sessions designed for families or groups with children ages 5-11.
Chicago, ILCradles to Crayons
Cradles to Crayons helps to provide babies and children living in low-income and homeless situations with the essential items they need to thrive through donations and community support. By volunteering at their Giving Factory your family can help sort, quality check, and pack donated items for distribution. There are also opportunities for teens to make a deeper commitment to volunteering through their Teen Leadership Corp.
Chicago, IL
CJE SeniorLife
CJE provides services to seniors of all backgrounds and abilities, both in their homes and at several centers around Chicago. Their needs are great, so if your family has any interest in working with seniors, there is likely a position for you. Kids can volunteer alongside adults to provide regular visits or write letters to a specific senior, hand deliver mail at a senior residence, or, for talented kids, provide entertainment by playing an instrument.
Evanston, IL
Tree House Humane Society
Tree House Humane Society is a cageless, no-kill shelter that has been fulfilling a mission to help cats most in need since 1971, providing them with dependable housing and veterinary care. Onsite volunteers are required to be 18 years or older, but there are still plenty of ways for young animal lovers to get involved with Tree House: They are always seeking those with basic sewing skills to help make enrichment supplies like toys, trap covers, and cage curtailments.
Chicago, ILThe Anti-Cruelty Society
The Anti-Cruelty Society has opportunities for families to enjoy together, as well as for individual youth.
Chicago, IL
The Forest Preserve District of Cook County
The Cook County Forest Preserve offers opportunities for volunteers of all ages to help care for the nearly 70,000 acres of woodlands, prairies and wetlands that make up the preserves. Opportunities are varied and available year-round, with age-restrictions varying by opportunity. Adopt-A-Site litter clean ups may be of special interest to families with younger kids!
Chicago, ILWINGS
The WINGS program offers emergency safe haven and traditional domestic violence shelter. They offer many volunteer opportunities including working in their resale shops, creating art tiles for safe houses (this is a great at-home volunteer option for all ages!), and sorting donations at their logistics center. Girl Scout Troops are welcome!
Niles, IL
Fill a Heart 4 Kids
Fill a Heart 4 Kids works with teachers, social workers, & children's advocacy centers to help homeless and foster children.
Lake Forest, IL
The Kid's Pantry
The Kid's Pantry prides itself on being a "community helping the community," providing free gently used children's items to families in the Northwest Suburbs. The idea is to support families with dignity, without requiring proof of hardship, recognizing that sometimes families just need a little help to stretch the budget a bit further. Volunteers of all ages are welcome throughout the year on a weekly basis, as well as for their semi-annual "giveaway" events. Donations of gently used or new children's and pregnancy items are also gratefully accepted.
Mt Prospect, ILPrimary photo: Upparent
Upparent collects community-submitted recommendations and reviews, and any ideas that are shared reflect the opinions of individual contributors.