A smiling family of four, including two children and an adult, at a colorful book donation center.

Volunteer Opportunities for Kids Near Kansas City

It can be tough to find local volunteer opportunities for kids, so we've compiled a list of places around Kansas City that allow families with younger children to participate.

Volunteering at home is a wonderful solution for families who want to make a difference, though there is nothing quite like helping out in your own community.

Has your family tried any kids volunteer opportunities near Kansas City? Share your experience below by adding a review or suggesting another favorite organization for the list!




     (799.1 mi)


    Minimum Age: 7 yrs (with adult)

    Shila:  Harvesters feed over one hundred and forty thousand people every month with the help and dedication of many caring volunteers. Families with younger children can volunteer to participate in various tasks including: pantry assistance, unloading donations, sorting and repacking donations, stocking shelves, mobile food pantry delivery, garden demonstrations and more. Navigating the best event and time for your family is simple to accomplish on their website. Each event describes the duties at hand (along with age restrictions), and offers an easy way to sign up.

    Kansas City Pet Project


     (800.7 mi)


    Age 7-15 (with adult)

    Shila:  As a Junior Volunteer, kids (under 15 yrs) can volunteer at the animal shelter and assist in a variety of animal-related service duties so long as they are accompanied by an adult/legal guardian who takes on primary responsibility of all tasks. You may find yourselves helping with watering, enrichment, and various operational and sanitation efforts.

    A group (e.g., church families, scouts) can also volunteer starting as young as 7 years old. Projects won't directly involve walking or interacting with dogs or cats, but there's likely time to encounter and play with them at the end of the shift!

    Bridging the Gap - Red Bridge Community Recycling Center


     (800.9 mi)


    Minimum Age: 8 yrs (with adult)

    Shila:  Families with young children can help out at the Red Bridge Community Recycling Center ongoing, and also at various one-time local events assisting in eco-friendly initiatives.

    Recycling volunteers may find themselves working 4-hr shifts breaking down cardboard, assisting patrons, and more active duties, all in a great effort to support our environment and help the local community. Sign up easily and in advance online.

    Wayside Waifs


     (802.1 mi)


    Minimum Age: 10 yrs (with adult)

    Shila:  Wayside Waifs invites regularly committed youth volunteers to participate starting at age 10 with an equally committed adult (this helps in the training process, as well as provides consistency for the animals). General volunteer duties may include caring, feeding and cleaning kennels, or fulfilling tasks involves with socializing our furry friends. An ideal commitment is weekly for 3 months.

    Kids under 13 may also want to take a look at additional opportunities that support the overall mission of Wayside Waifs by participating in one-time Group Service Project options.

    Kansas City Community Kitchen


     (802.2 mi)


    Age 10-13+ (with adult)

    Kansas City Community Kitchen serves meals to those in need. Volunteers are invited to help through a few different daily options: assisting with breakfast service and lunch prep, hosting, waiting, bussing, and/or cleaning. An ongoing calendar is available online for registration and sign up. Very caring children can begin to volunteer with their parent or guardian at age 10.

    The Birthday Party Project


     (803.6 mi)


    Ages 4+

    Volunteers help host monthly birthday parties at homeless and transitional living facilities at partner agencies around Kansas City, where all children with a birthday that month are joyfully celebrated along with any children and family members staying at the agency. Families are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer together, making this a wonderful parent-child activity, though please note that each community agency may have unique age or other restrictions party by party. Adults 18 and older will be required to complete a background check.

    Phoenix Family


     (804.4 mi)

    Shila:  Phoenix Family's mission aims to help people and change lives. You'll find general volunteer opportunities in fulfilling literacy efforts, senior services, food delivery and more. Young families may particularly enjoy unpacking a food donation truck, sorting, and distributing food to seniors living in low-income housing communities. This is a recurring event that is good for young children and teens with parents.

    Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead


     (813.0 mi)


    April - October


    Minimum Age: 14 yrs

    Shila:  Selected volunteers can fill the daily need for fun and rewarding work at the Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead. You and your child can organize time to greet visitors, sell tickets for wagon rides and mining rough, help kids fish or feed baby goats, garden, and more. Shifts are 4 hours and include times available after school.

Primary photo:   Upparent

Upparent collects community-submitted recommendations and reviews, and any ideas that are shared reflect the opinions of individual contributors.

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9 places in this list