Are there any activities that you "make" your kids try?
We definitely encourage our kids to try anything and everything, whether that be a new sport, music lessons or acting class. Our only rule is once you commit, you need to stick it out. No quitting in the middle of the season or class.
I love this rule and plan to implement it as well! The only way for kids to find what they like is by trying everything!
I insist that they do swim lessons. Learning to swim is as much a safety lesson as a physical activity. They don't have to swim competitively but they need to do it long enough to be safe in the water.
Though I do generally require that the kids be involved in something that keeps them active for good health, I don't care what it is, or how long they stick with it beyond the initial commitment to finish a season or class. Music, however, is different! The way I see it, learning an instrument has so many benefits for them that it is worth requiring despite how they fight me, especially since it seems unlikely they would willingly stick it out on their own with all the practice it requires over years!
I've never really made my kids try anything, they've volunteered for things they want to do--I just provide the info if I think it might be up their alley. So far so good!
We'll require a sport/physical activity and music/instrument. I agree with Alex that learning an instrument has many benefits and I think physical activity is important to everyone. We're lucky that at this time, kids aren't limited to traditional soccer/baseball etc for physical activity. My boys are both doing yoga and swimming right now, and they've done tennis and karate in the past.
We have never forced our kids to try an activity. However, if they've asked to sign up for something, we make them honor that commitment until the season or session is over, even if they change their minds halfway through (which has happened!). My husband says, "We pay? You play."