Do you let your kids eat all of their Halloween candy?
One of the dentists in town offers kids $2/pound for their Halloween candy! Our son really enjoys participating in this. We let him keep some of his candy, but he almost gets more excited to turn it in for cash. And, we appreciate having a place to send all of our Laffy Taffys and Airheads.
That is a great idea! Plus, then the parents are not tempted to eat it!
We love having this option! And, I totally agree--it gets it out of the house so mom and dad aren't tempted to raid it after bedtime. This year, our son ended up collecting $19! (We let him keep the money for all of the candy that was collected in the house this year, since his two- and three-year old sisters don't care about that yet.) And, full disclosure: there are still a few post-bedtime Reese's and Kit Kats in the freezer. ;)
Yup, in the freezer right next to the Thin Mints!
Ha! We just found the last row of Thin Mints when we cleaned out the freezer. I guess it is time to start storing the Halloween candy in its place.
Our local bounce house did a trade in for a free bounce day for 3 pounds of candy per kids. The candy was donated to the US troops. The kids kept some, bounced and felt good about helping the troops!
I'm a combo of one piece a day until it's gone and whatever I haven't eaten - although my 7yo is too savvy for that now; he has an uncanny ability to tell when something's missing. It's not much different than the cookie they'd otherwise be having for a treat every night and I do confiscate the worst dental offenders.
Hmmm, maybe I’m out of the norm here but my kids get about 3 pieces or so a day. They’re really excited right after Halloween then they seem to get sick of it (or all the good stuff is gone) so I usually end up putting it all away or pitching it.
My kids' dentist does a buyback program and sends the candy to deployed troops; we packed up several pounds and brought it over November 1 so it was out of the house ASAP. In exhange for the candy the dentists gives out goody bags, which this year had coupons for local businesses (free open swim, free play time at a gym, etc) and a $1 bill. My kids took their $1 and the $5 toy store coupon and each picked out a small toy. They still have tons of candy left so they made out really well in the deal. They'll forget about the candy in a week or two and I'll hide it to dole out as treats later on.
My kids school (a private K-12) collects extra Halloween candy to send in care packages to last year's Seniors who are away at college. I think this is such a nice way to get rid of some of the extra sweets!
What a neat idea! I’m sure those new college students love getting a care package too.
Good question! We let them eat it until a date we set. They can have one piece a day until that date.
Am I the only one who uses the candy as leverage for good behavior (my 2 year old especially)?
I actually let them enjoy their candy because I know my children wont go too crazy anyway
We're the same way! It definitely depends on the kid, but ours are usually able to regulate themselves pretty well, and don't eat more sweets than usual when they've got a Halloween candy stash. We keep all their candy in the kitchen, though, so we can see how much they are getting into and put a stop to the occasional overindulgence!
Yasss! It’s like they either forget it’s there or they’re over all of the Halloween candy quickly lol. I agree 100% mama