Do you let your kids play interactive video games/apps?
My daughter a year ago without my knowledge downloaded a free app that was an interactive fashion game. We have since set parental controls. However, I was worried about who she was interacting with on this game? So I am wondering what other parents do. Do you allow your kids to play interactive games?
My husband is on top of all the latest technology (and video games) so he sets parent controls on all our tablets and video games. Thankfully we haven’t had an issue yet, but have several friends who have.
We learned the hard way how interactive some of the games and apps for kids can be with both my daughter and son's recent downloads. We now have it set to approve any apps they try to download - and we are sure to look into each thoroughly before approving. It's been eye opening to see just how many games have live chat/comment options with strangers, etc.
Yes exactly! I had no idea this fashion game was interactive when she downloaded it at first! Lesson learned!
Yes - with their real friends only, and I try to check in periodically to maintain some knowledge of the program. So far, it's all fun and age-appropriate games. During times of COVID, these interactive games have enabled my kids to keep in safe contact with their friends, for whom they may not see otherwise.