Do you take your kids out of school for vacations?
It's tempting to take advantage of family vacations during times of the year when crowds and costs are lower, but this often means missing school. Do you generally plan your family's travel around school breaks or pick the best time based on other factors?
We did it once when my kids were in Kindergarten and 2nd grade and it worked out ok even though it is frowned upon by the schools. Now that they are in older grades I don't think it's worth it for the amount of school work missed. Some teachers are more accommodating than others but I've heard it can be really hard to catch up on everything after missing a significant number of days. Now, if it's just a matter of missing a day to take advantage of cheaper flights than I could see the advantage, but not a whole week or more.
Now that you mention the cheaper flights, we have taken our kids out on the Friday before spring break last year to take advantage of cheaper flights. And we are doing the same thing this year.
We are big proponents of taking our kids out of school for a week long vacation to Disney World. That is probably the only vacation we will take them out for, besides a day or two for spring break to take advantage of flight deals. Disney is SO crowded during all the school holidays and vacations that we feel it's worth it to go when crowds are lower which means missing school. Since my kids are in elementary school it has been easy so far, but I think when they reach junior high and high school it won't be do-able anymore.
Both are important: school and family vacation time. It's not ideal to drastically miss out on either. Though, on occasion, if an airline flight's price yields us significant savings to leave on a school day vs. a weekend, we'll justify missing up to a few days for that. (My kids are in early elementary).
I have not taken them out of school for vacation. The school frowns upon it and I feel they get enough days off during the year plus Summer vacation. We fit our travel in on those days. I also wouldn't like the fact the kids would have homework and catch up work to do on their days off for vacation.
I have taken mine out for a day or so ahead or after a long weekend but I wouldn't do much more than that, though it is tempting. My kids are young enough where they still could have a few sick days a year and I don't want to add on a handful of missed days for vacation on top of that. Plenty of families in my town definitely pull kids out for vacation. My 2nd grader asks all the time when he's going to miss a week for us to go on vacation!
I never have. However growing up my parents did on occasion so I am not opposed to it in elementary or junior high. However, high school here does not let you make up tests so I would not in high school.
Our oldest is in kindergarten, so this has become a topic of discussion for us. I recently had a conversation with a school parent whose oldest son just started high school. Based on his experience, he really encouraged me not to hesitate to take kids out of school for a vacation in the future. He said that he and his wife used to stress about it, but have realized that none of it matters now that their son is in high school. As a new school parent, I just thought it was an interesting conversation.