Does your family like to go camping?

My husband wants to plan a big family camping trip later this Spring at a local state park. He grew up in a family that camped a lot. I grew up in a family who thought a motel was "roughing it". I enjoy camping as an adult and am looking forward to exposing our kids to the experience. Does your family like to go camping? Share your comments below!

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  •   -   04/14/2018

    Our family loves camping! It's inexpensive, gets our kids away from screens, and is a real bonding experience. We've taken babies as young as 2 mo old camping. Getting the right gear can make or break your camping experience, in my opinion. We hit up REI garage sales (they hold these several times a year) to get discounted yet awesome quality gear that lasts a lifetime. Last summer, my husband was away with the military so I took our 4 kids on a 5-day camping trip on my own - that was an adventure! I came home exhausted but would do it again in a heartbeat!

    •   -   04/15/2018

      Whoa! That is brave of you. I don't think I'd survive that. Ha!

      •   -   04/16/2018

        Ha ha, just to clarify, my kids were 12, 10, 4, and 1. If I have 4 kids under 5, I would NOT been crazy enough to attempt that on my own! :)

  •   -   04/13/2018

    We went camping once and nearly froze, although I would love to try again in warmer weather! There's definitely an allure to sleeping under the stars.

  •   -   04/15/2018

    I've been camping several times before kids and definitely enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I have it in me these days. Maybe when the kids are older and require less paraphernalia for every trip. I do love nature and love the no technology aspect too!

  •   -   04/15/2018

    My husband is dying to take the family camping but we haven't done it yet. Kids are finally old enough so maybe this is the summer we give it a go!

  •   -   04/23/2018

    No outside camping for me! I think it will definitely leave it to be a bonding event between kids and dad! I would hate to interfere in their special time... :)

  •   -   04/14/2018

    I grew up camping with my family and I have great memories but I have no interest in roughing it these days! My boys have camped in the yard, but that's the extent of it.

  •   -   09/21/2018

    Can I admit to "glamping" in a nice cottage at a campground with many tiers of amenities for different campers? That way, the kids get the fun and safety of a campground, and I don't have to sleep in a tent.

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