How do you store your family photos?
Say cheese! Your children are adorable, and changing so much every day that we, as parents, take tons of photos of their sweet little faces! Plus, we want to remember all our family adventures together. But how do you store and keep these precious mementos?
I have thousands of photos stored on the cloud! I always intend to print and frame them, or order photo books, but sadly, it's easier said than done to sort through them all!
This is my struggle too. Someday...SOMEDAY...I will make baby albums for my kids. At this rate, I may end up making them as my babies go off to college :)
This has been on my mind for the last year. I have boxes of my grandparents' pictures and I loved going through them, seeing them and the family though the years. Most of my pictures are stored online and I print a portion of them. How do I pass on all my pictures if they are online?
I love going to my parents house and going through the boxes of old photos. So many memories. When I just had one kid I was really good about printing pictures and putting them in albums. But then kids 2 and 3 came along and finding the time to do that became difficult. Someday (probably when the kids are out of the house) I'll get to all the pictures.
I prefer to put them in albums and frame them...although it usually takes me awhile to find the time to do it!
My husband saves them to Flickr and then plays them on the TV as a screen saver! They just roll through in the background while we are hanging out in the house. It's an awesome way to see many photos that we otherwise wouldn't have in frames.