How late can your child stay up on New Year's Eve?
Last year was the first year my kids (ages 9 and 7 then) stayed up until midnight on New Year's since they were at a house party with friends from school. In the past, they would usually sleep by 9 PM. I am wondering how other parents handle bedtime on NYE and if their kids stay up later than normal or if they even stay up to ring in the New Year at midnight.
Now that my kids are older we let them stay up to midnight and see the ball drop. They don't seem to have a problem staying up, it's me who is struggling to stay awake with them!
We've attended an out-of-town church event on NYE nearly every year I can remember (both as a child AND an adult), so my whole family has consistently been up well past midnight. We're staying home this year, though. It feels so strange to think about everyone being able to go to bed earlier, but I just might do it for my own sanity! Toddlers who are up past midnight take a week to recover.
In the past, we've always sent them to bed at their normal times. But we moved to the west coast this year, so maybe we'll let them stay up a little late to ring in the east coast's new year.
In past years, we've all gone to bed at our normal time. But I've been really into family traditions this year, so maybe we'll start one with NYE!
Last year we let the older two stay up until 11 and watch the NYC ball drop. I am not sure my 5-year-old can last that long.
Our crew is little still, so we send them to bed at their regular bedtime and look forward to a fun and (hopefully!) quiet night at home.
We've been with friends at home parties the past few years on NYE. With a ton of crazy kids running around, no one seems to have a problem staying up until midnight.
I say midnight or past midnight but I also know my children, they'll be knocked out before midnight anyway lol