How long did your child sleep in your bedroom?
We only let ours sleep in a bassinet in our room for the first 3 months - but that was over 8 and 11 years ago. I was surprised to hear my sisters, who both had babies this year, were given the recommendation by the hospital and their pediatricians that babies should sleep in the parents room for the first year. Not sure we could have all gotten enough rest back then had we kept them with us for that long!
That's crazy! My older sister gave me the advice to send the babies to the nursery at the hospital at night (as opposed to sleeping in your room) so I could get some rest. Worked like a charm for all three of mine!
My first slept in our room until a year old then transitioned to his own room. At 3, little brother came along. 5 years later, they both sleep in our room almost every night. They sleep on a sleeper sofa in our room or climb into bed with hubby and I (although we're working to limit that as we're getting tight on space in our king size bed). It's not for everyone... and they won't be little forever so I'll take the snuggles as long as they're willing to give them. 😁
Totally agree about the snuggles!! We have four kids and with each kid we’ve kept them with us longer and longer - it honestly makes bedtime easier for our family, and I wouldn’t trade the snuggles while they are little for anything! Now that my big kids are teens/tweens, I know how fast that special time passes by!
I moved my daughter into her own room in a bassinet in the first few weeks. While that may seem harsh to some, she was always a good sleeper but made a lot of noises. It kept me awake and I needed the rest!
I'm with Kelly on this one. We never had a bassinet and none of our kids ever slept in our room. Since I was staying home with the kids and my husband was working, I didn't want to disrupt his sleep with the middle of the night feedings. Thanks to this plan and the help of Baby Wise, I have great sleepers to this day!
My first went in around three months old, just as I was going back to work and needed better sleep. I transitioned my second a bit later on, maybe four months, because it was safer to have him closer and be able to quiet him faster than risk waking my older boy, who was just over 2 at the time and is a very light sleeper. Neither of my boys try to sleep with us if they wake up overnight, but I do love an early morning snuggle when the day starts!
I know a lot of parents have strong opinions on this one, and there's no one-size-fits-all! My husband and I were adamant that the kids would never sleep in our room, and I think we all got better sleep because of it. I personally could never sleep well worrying about all of those little baby noises, and listening for breathing throughout the night. Our nursery was right next to our bedroom, which made it easier, and we never even got a monitor because of that.
I'm the opposite! I couldn't sleep well unless baby was under my nose (quite literally...) so I knew my baby was safe and sound. I also hated physically getting up in the middle of the night, so I typically co-sleep from birth until around age 2, then move them into their own "big kid" bed. Right now my 20 month old sleeps in his own bed, but wanders over to our bed in the middle of the night. Occasionally, our 4 year old has bad dreams, and tiptoes in to snuggle with us. It is one of the things I will miss most when they get older! (It's been YEARS since my older 2 have, so yes, they do outgrow it!)
This! Except, even our 10 and 8 year olds still wander in fairly regularly for an early morning snuggle...mostly because we all love it!
Ours do the same thing! The sleepy snuggles when they aren't "too cool" are the best!
Just for the first three months we had all our kids in a bassinet in our bedroom. It just made nighttime feedings easier for me. Although, we did have the bassinet closer to our closet so we could sleep a little bit!