Is it okay for teens to go trick-or-treating?
I've seen a lot of debate lately in online mom's groups and on social media about teenagers going trick or treating. Many think kids over the age of 14 should no longer trick or treat because they are too old, while others are of the opinion that if the teens are willing to dress up and be polite when trick or treating they should be able to enjoy this childhood tradition for as long as they can. What are your thoughts? Should teens still go trick or treating if they want to?
I think it is all in good fun, and I am always happy to pass candy out to groups of teens, costumed or not. I even ask parents if they'd like a mini Snickers bar or Reese's cup to help sustain them, lol. I've never had issues with teens being rude or destructive - I feel like that is a separate issue.
I think anyone who is technically a kid should be able to trick or treat if they're still into the holiday and doing it for the right reasons. It's a fun holiday. Also, if teens could feel comfortable going trick or treating many of them may stay out of trouble that night.
Totally this! They are kids too! Also, if they are staying out of trouble, then I am happy to give them some treats!
I think if they're dressing up and truly in it for the festivities and candy, that's fine! But if they're like the teens who "went trick-or-treating" in my neighborhood when I was a kid and smashed pumpkins, then no!
I feel they should wear a costume like younger kids, but in my mind, it is totally acceptable for teens to trick or treat.
To be honest I've gone trick or treating with my kids for years and years and years I dress up right along with them and I go up to the door with them and I say trick or treat with them and I do it half out of safety and half out of I want to have fun too I don't think there should be any age limit on trick or treating
I honestly think that teens should be assisting young trick or treaters with candy distribution which teaches responsibility, as opposed to trick or treating. If teens want to enjoy Halloween, they can have a party, which is more age appropriate.
I believe a youth group party is a better match. How about a treat board (think candies, snacks, etc) to share with friends during a movie or game night.
Yes. I trick or treated til 30 years old I have autism. Would wear my various costumes. I didn’t have many friends to do parties with always felt awkward. Until I joined an autism group. We do parties and hang out and stuff. Most of the neighbors I used to trick or treat by either passed away or moved. Got to the point it felt awkward. Could only milk a disability for so long. I mall walk in costume now too