What age did your kid eat solid meat?
We are trying to transition our ten month old to solids, and her hemoglobin is low, so were advised to start her on more solid meats, but she is only just now getting teeth to chew with.
You can puree meat, especially things like ground beef and mix it with other things like pasta or rice, tomato sauce. I have always heard that iron absorbs better with Vitamin C, so it might be good to mix with spinach, tomatoes or have her drink orange juice or eat some strawberries with it.
Many of the baby food "squeezies" have meat in the blends now, so that may be something to try to make sure she has what she needs while you transition!
It's sad that I don't remember exactly when we tried meat the first time because my daughter is still really young, but everything blends together! That being said, she still doesn't love most meats and I think it's a texture thing. Deli meat turkey she eats almost every day though, and I'd say we've been doing that since she was around 1 year!
I waited until they had enough teeth to chew something like meat. I have seen enough kids choke on food if they were given it too young.