What do you do with clothing items your child has outgrown?
It can seem as though our kids outgrow their clothing overnight! Add in the change of seasons, and a child can go through a lot of clothing and shoes in just a year's time. Many items are often still in great condition, and can be passed along to others. What do you do with the items your child has outgrown?
I donate some, give away some to friends and sell some. Just depends on what is there. Usually my kids wear it out before it is outgrown as both kids are small and seem to wear the same things from season to season. The best sound is when Devon tries something on from the season or two years before and says, "It's too small for me." Makes me want to have a party. Lol
I usually pass along to my niece, save some for younger siblings and donate the rest to a charity that I feel strongly about their mission.
We are very lucky to the recipients of beautiful hand-me-downs so we pass them on to friends and family. We also give a lot to charity too.
I have two boys 4 years apart, so we usually go through everything twice before it's used up. Good quality items I donate, but my kids are rough on clothes!
I'm barely able to save my older boy's clothes for his younger brother. Boys are rough on pants!
Yes! Holes in knees ALL THE TIME! I'm lucky my third was a girl because after my second son, there is no way those clothes would be passed down.
I try to always pass ours down to younger cousins or friends! We are lucky to have good friends who hand down their clothes to us so we try to always keep the cycle going!
I have saved my favorite baby and toddler clothes for my sister, with the hopes that one day she'll have kids. The rest I passed on to friends or donated.
I have two storage boxes full of my little one's newborn/early month clothes; I'm in awe at how quickly he's growing. I'm saving his clothes for a future sibling, when and we are able to add another limb to our family tree.
I have been lucky enough to be the recipient of a lot of hand-me-downs from family members for my kids. Most of their outgrown clothes go to charity because they are in pretty rough condition to be passed down to anyone else.
I spent a lot of time and energy keeping my kids clothes gently used, so I peeked at local re-sales (consignment-style) in the area. I made a decent chunk of change off those clothes! Whatever I didn't sell I gave to friends or donated. There is a handy Upparent list with the resales around Chicago!