What is the best age for Disney World?
A family trip to Disney World or Disneyland seems like a childhood rite of passage for many families, but it can take some thoughtful planning to go the way we as parents dream. Visiting Mickey and friends is magical for kids at any age, but tell us what you think is the best age for Disney World!
Most Orlando Disney parks are free for kids 2 and under, which sounds great, but I think is partly because they don't get much out of it. We go to Orlando most years but didn't take our 2.5 year old to the Magic Kingdom last month based on what we've heard from other families (and the fact that she's currently not a fan of noise, crowds, or costumed characters). There are a whole bunch of Disney parks in Orlando aside from the Magic Kingdom that are tailored to different ages. Disney's Typhoon Lagoon and Animal Kingdom are supposed to be excellent for really little ones whereas Discovery Cove is more for older kids/teens.
I agree Lisa about taking advantage of the different parks! When my youngest was two we actually went to Sea World for one of the days we were in Orlando and she loved it! Lots of rides for smaller kids there and not too far from the Disney Park.
I took my sons for their first visit at 3 and 5 and I think there are pros and cons to all ages. My older son remembers more of the trip so if Disney isn't something you can or want to do more than once I would recommend waiting until the kids are old enough to remember more of it.
My oldest has been at age 2, 5 & 8. While it was a different experience each time, I wouldn't trade any of them. Your kids will have an amazing time at any age.
We have been a couple of times and we have three girls. So it was so fun when they were into that princess stage around 4. However I am sure any age is just as magical!
This is all super-helpful. We have family that recently moved to Orlando, and we are trying to decide when is the best time to go to Disney - my kids are 2.5 and 5. Based on all these thoughtful comments, we might wait until the little one is 3 or so.
We've taken our kids twice: once at age (almost) 2 and 4, and again at age 3 and 6. They had a great time, but I don't think we have yet hit the ideal age for Disney, which (in my opinion) is when they can walk on their own without complaining and not have fear prevent them from riding most of the rides so we can enjoy as much as possible as a family instead of frequently having to switch off. Maybe next time!
We took our kiddos when they were 1, 2 and 4. They all loved it. The younger two probably don't remember it well, but the oldest has great memories of it and can't wait to go back! That was good timing for us because we knew that he would love it, and the younger two would have fun and were still at an age where it was free for them to get into Disney.
We have been a couple times with our kids. The first time my oldest was 2 and younger son was 6 months. We went again when my third was only 7 weeks old and older boys were 4.5 and almost 3. Disney is really easy with a baby. You can ride almost anything with the baby in a carrier. I always told my husband the only time I would not travel to Disney is if I had a toddler between the ages of 1 and 2. They are not capable of sitting still and waiting in lines at that age. I agree with Kristy, any age is sure to be magical!