What path did you take for baby food?
We had gotten a food processor for a wedding present and quite honestly, did not use it too much. Then I figured out it's a great tool to make your own baby food! So we used some simple recipes in our food processor for our girls.However, when I was in a rush or headed to run errands, those baby food pouches were a life saver! They were super portable and easy to grab from a diaper baby.
We did the same, homemade baby food when eating at home, and pouches for on the go!
Those pouches are genius. My almost 5 year old still eats them. It's the only way I can get him to eat vegetables.
Totally! I have a five year old as well and loves the apple sauce ones.
My 5yo eats the apple sauce squeezes from Costco. Unfortunately, I can't get her to eat regular apple sauce and she only wants those.
I came across these reusable pouches in the Walmart clearance aisle, and they have been great. I fill them with applesauce for my kids' lunches - definitely a $ saver! www.booginhead.com
Genius! I will have to look for these. Although my 5yo only likes the squeeze applesauce pouches and not regular apple sauce (sigh)!
I started out strong on making baby food but as my kids ate more it got harder to keep up, especially when I had my second, so I would have jars and pouches on hand for back up or when we were out. My one regret about food is not introducing more table food earlier. I don't know why I held back, but I do wish I had been braver and tried it earlier than I did.
I was scared introducing table food with my first as well but braved it with my daughter! We put her high chair at the dinner table since she was able to sit so she can be next to us when we are eating. And by time she was ready to explore solid food she just knew what to do! It was amazing.
I agree with the second part of what you said. I have the worlds pickiest kids and I swear it's because I didn't introduce them to enough when they were little. Still hating myself about that as I struggle to make dinner every night.
I mashed all the squash and sweet potatoes for our oldest. By the time our third was ready for food, I discovered the baby food aisle at the grocery store. ;)
Lol! Those 3rd kids are something else. It's amazing to think of the things I wouldn't let my 1st eat, but then gave to my 3rd when she was probably too young. Whatever works, right?
Haha, totally. Interestingly, my third is my best eater. Hmmmm...now that I'm thinking about it, you don't think that this is a reflection of my cooking skills do you? ;)
I hear you ladies! Schedules and organization went up in the air when our 3rd baby arrived! Still another month tho, before starting solids food.
I went into motherhood thinking I would make all of her food. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case at all. I struggle to find the time to make everything, so everything I "make" is pretty much anything that can be mashed without being cooked first. Aside from that, we LOVE our organic pouches and jars.
We did both. I recall taking great pleasure in successfully hiding a variety of vegetables, or even healthy oils into sweet purees like homemade cinnamon applesauce!
Yes, I'm all about incorporating healthy oils into my baby's foods; he loves coconut oil!
I made most of the baby food for my 4 kids. I would whir steamed veggies, squash, or whatever (oftentimes it was something I was already making the rest of the family for dinner) in the food processor, then freeze in an ice cube tray. The little frozen cubes were just the right size for babies. It didn't feel like too much work, and I liked knowing what was in it (no absorbic acid was also a plus!). Of course, those little pouches are incredibly handy to have, so I always had a few in my diaper bag for when we were out and about.
Gerber! Gerber! Gerber! I did make some baby food at home but most was store bought. Moms, when did you find the time to make the food?
I usually make my little one's food at night, during my little one's first stretch of sleep.
I love making my little one's baby food, but have purchased the organic pouches on occasion. I liked having my little one try combinations of healthful purees I wouldn't have thought to put together myself.
Loved those pouches! And I agree, some of the flavors were so unique and out-of-the-box.
I attempted to make my own baby food, but honestly wasn't that good at it. I remember feeding my first born homemade pureed peas when he was about 6 months old. He gagged on them and threw up all over me. Needless to say, 9 years later and he still doesn't eat peas. The sweet potatoes, squash and some of the fruits were much easier to make.