What's the ideal pet for young kids?
Young kids who beg for a pet don't always have the self-discipline or the skills to take care of one- so it's safe to say mom and dad will be doing most of the work. But there's a lot to consider- the lifespan of a pet, the care it requires- plus the untold joy it brings to the family! What do you consider the ideal pet for children?
I grew up with a ton of different pets, but my favorites were my pet rats and hamsters. They're very social and self-contained- but the drawback is their relatively short lifespans. I'm curious what perspective other parents have!
We have a dog and the kids love her! She brightens up their day and they love to take her out for walks and run after her. I pray that my kids never ever ever ask for hamster or rat I will not be able to co-excist in the same space!! I always avoid passing them in the pet store :(
I grew up with fish and hamsters, but always wanted something I could befriend. We have indoor rabbits now. They've helped teach my daughter to be quiet, patient, and gentle, but they are probably too messy and delicate for most.
I'm not a fan of kids' pets (hamsters, gerbils, etc). We have a dog and that's about all I can handle right now!
My kids won fish at the church carnival so that was probably our first pet. Then my son asked for hermit crabs for his 8th birthday which he got. They are nocturnal so unfortunately they are not really active during the day when my son would want to look at them. Then we got a puppy 2 months ago. It's like having a newborn again. In my opinion, I would advise against getting a dog (or at least a puppy) if you have kids under 5.