What was your baby's favorite solid when they started eating real food?

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  •   -   05/25/2018

    I roast sweet potatoes at 400 for 30 min, with olive oil, cinnamon and paprika, and my daughter goes crazy for them!

    •   -   05/26/2018

      That sounds so yummy, I can’t wait to try it!! My poor baby just gets plain old puréed sweet potatoes, and still loves them...he doesn’t know what he’s been missing!

      •   -   05/26/2018

        My friend does it for her son and I gave it a try and it's DELICIOUS. I usually end up eating half of what's on my daughter's plate! ;)

    •   -   05/28/2018

      Roasted swell potatoes are my favorite!

  •   -   05/26/2018

    My first son loved bananas, but my second was obsessed with avocado. He learned to use a spoon scooping the avocado out of its skin.

  •   -   05/31/2018

    My little guy decided that guacamole was his fave as soon as we introduced solids. Not plain avocado.....legit guacamole with garlic powder and salt. He still has a thing for well-seasoned foods. Go figure!

    •   -   05/31/2018

      That's hilarious! I guess that's the most common way people eat avocado anyway so why not start em young? Your son's got great taste!

  •   -   05/28/2018

    Bananas have always been big with my kids (and stil are). I remember cutting those little banana coins into eighths when my little ones were just starting to eat. I was always afraid of them choking when they started solids.

  •   -   05/31/2018

    Another roasted sweet potato fan here! All 3 of my kids go crazy for them. Only one so far eats avocado, despite my desperate efforts :(

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