When do you take down your Christmas Tree?
I love getting a live Christmas tree each year and it looks so pretty all dressed up with lights and ornaments. However by the time Christmas is done it's usually dropping tons of needles and I'm ready to see it go.
I do love the idea of "the longer the better," but those pine needles seem to get drier by the minute the moment Christmas is over! :)
We typically have a fake tree, so there's no rush to take it down, necessarily. But by January 1st, I'm ready for the holidays to be over and so the tree tends to start dropping ornaments then!
I leave our tree up well into January since its artificial and the festive lights make the cold, dark days of Winter much more tolerable.
By New Year's Day I'm ready to reclaim my house and the tree is too dried out to stay up so I take almost everything down then. I do keep some strings of lights up around the house to maintain some festivity.
My husband's family kept their tree up until the Epiphany (Jan. 6). So, now he takes our tree down the first weekend after the Epiphany.
We love the lights of Christmas around the house, but realize it's time to come down usually right after new years. The only exception was when I had my daughter who was born in early December. I think we left our tree up until almost February. Ha!
Not before February 14th because my red winter theme goes well with Valentines; all of my gifts have been delivered; but no later than March 21st- 23rd -in time for the vernal (spring) equinox!
We take it down about a week into January. We like having it up for a couple weeks after Christmas, but I agree that the pine needles start to dry up!