What is a good age for overnight camp?
When kids reach the "right" age for overnight camp, it's a big milestone. There's a mix of excitement and apprehension. However, every family has a different idea of the "right" age. What worked for your family and why? Is the right sleepaway camp age different for the boys versus the girls?
Both of my daughters are doing sleep away camp this summer. My 8 year old is going to Girl Scout camp for just two nights, three days. My 9-year-old is doing a week long horseback riding camp. It is only an hour away from our house and she will have her cell phone so if she needs to be picked up, I will drive and get her early. Although I really do not think she will need me to come!Growing up I spent two weeks away at a camp when I was in fourth grade and there were no cell phones back then!
My oldest will be 10 this summer and we talked about sending him to an overnight camp. We know he would love it, but he's still a little apprehensive to the idea. I have nephews who go away to a month long overnight camp in another state than where they live and they all started at 10.
I feel like this depends so much on the child. I started camp with one week the summer after second grade (just after turning 8) and went 2-3 weeks most years after that. My older sister had no interest in leaving home for more than one night until late middle school. I wouldn't push a kid that doesn't want to go, but if they ask for it and seem ready it can be a really great experience.
I have brought up this topic to my boys and they said they have zero interest in sleepaway camp. However, I know they would love it and probably be sad when it was over. I'll bring it up again in a couple of years and see how they feel. I would love for them to experience it, even if it was only for a few nights.
That is a subject that really stresses me! Luckily, my kids are still very young and still time to think about it!