Do your kids get an allowance?

For those of us wondering if our kids should get an allowance, let's take a poll to see how common this practice is among families. Parents, please add your vote below to let the community know whether or not you pay your kids an allowance!

Want to start giving your kids an allowance, but not sure what amount makes sense? Check out another poll on how much to pay.

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  •   -   10/10/2024

    Our oldest is 17 and our youngest is 4, so we've had a lot of time to go back and forth on this! We've finally landed on no allowance, though I do occasionally offer opportunities for the kids to earn extra cash with a special project like cleaning the walls or washing the car. Instead of having a list of tasks they need to complete for an allowance (which we've tried several times without long-term success), we now talk about how we all live in our house together, and so share the responsibility of keeping it neat and clean. Some things are expected of everyone at all times, like picking up after ourselves, and some things we assign as needed and according to age, like doing dishes, taking out garbage, or dusting.

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