Exciting First Day of School Traditions
Parents, tell us how you celebrate the first day of school with your kids!
My husband and I will usually take the day off work (when we can) so we can be there for drop off and pick up on the first day, which makes it feel extra special for all of us.
First day of school photos on our front steps, and couple more in front of the school too.
We have our daughter do a quick video of how her first day of school went and what she is most excited about for the year. Also, of course the first day of school sign.
What a sweet way to capture her in that moment in time. That will be so adorable to look back on as she gets older!!
Pizza for dinner! (Kids choice actually, it’s just almost always pizza!)
First day of school traditions in my house include a pancake breakfast and upbeat music. I usually include a special treat in their lunch boxes, too. When the kids return, a large after-school snack awaits them at the table to help unwind the exciting day.
We have taken first day of school and last day of school pics on the front step with each kid holding their own sign. It's the same every year. My high schooler isn't too thrilled with the idea of doing it this year but will have to suffer through it. I plan to make them each a printed photo book of each year's pics when they graduate high school as a keepsake.
I wish I had adopted this practice with my older two, and definitely will with the younger ones. What an awesome gift and keepsake as they get older! I especially love those signs that have kids write their interests for that year - what a fun thing to be able to look back on and see how those change year by year!
Do a countdown to the big day! My kids love the anticipation of a countdown, and you can make it as simple as marking off dates on a calendar, or as elaborate an arts and crafts project as you like. Advent calendar style would be extra special, with candy or small prizes (or school supplies!) to mark each day.
We like doing a paper chain countdown, where your rip off one link as each day passes!
I have seen parents bring a box of donuts to share at the bus stop. This seems to gear kids up with a sugary ice breaker!