Birthday Party Ideas for Teens & Tweens

As my kids are getting older, the way we celebrate their birthdays is changing, too. They still like to celebrate their special day, but a themed birthday party at home or other big birthday bash is not usually what they are into.

What are some of the ways you've celebrated your older kids' birthdays, or what other birthday party ideas for teens and tweens have you seen and liked?

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  •   -   11/11/2024

    An escape room and dinner is a hit for my tween!

  •   -   11/14/2024

    Last year for my oldest daughter's birthday I threw her a surprise slumber party and decorated our entire place with some of her favorite colors and had the cutest backdrop for pictures with her friends. We had cool foods and homemade glittery pouch drinks. I set up a cute make up station and did all of the girls makeup which they all enjoyed so much. We played different games and a special "Do You Know The Birthday Girl" game which she really loved.

  •   -   09/18/2024

    Murder mystery dinner party. You can choose from a bunch of different game options and themes online (we've gotten a couple from Amazon) for a really fun and creative birthday party for teens. The games are usually for about a dozen players, though they can be modified for slightly more or less, too. Just be sure to read through the instructions in advance, as you'll need to do a little preparation before the party. My teen has requested these 2 or 3 times, and we've enjoyed each one!

  •   -   09/24/2024

    If you live near a big city, an outing to the city can be a fun birthday party idea for tweens or teens. When we lived near Chicago, my tween requested a day trip to the city with a few friends. We ate at a fun restaurant, visited an attraction or two, then rode the train back home. She loved it!

  •   -   11/15/2024

    We celebrate birthdays with an experience rather than a bunch of gifts. I couldn’t tell you what a got for my 11th or 12th birthdays but I sure do remember going to a baseball game with my grandparents and that day at the zoo.

  •   -   09/23/2024

    A shopping day with mom and/or grandma has been a favorite pick for my teen daughter these last couple of years.

  •   -   09/23/2024

    Indoor skydiving with a friend or two is fun for thrill-seeking teens and tweens, if you have an iFly facility near you.

  •   -   09/18/2024

    Going to the movies has been a popular birthday party for my teen boy and his friends once they hit age 13 or so. You can either invite just a couple friends and let them order a full dinner if your theater offers that, or invite more friends and stick with popcorn and candy.

  •   -   11/05/2024

    Many cities have companies that set up themed teepees - pillows, teepees, balloons, etc. It adds a fun element to a sleepover! They also sell on Amazon for a DIY experience :)

  •   -   09/18/2024

    Visit an amusement park, perhaps inviting 1-2 close friends.

  •   -   09/23/2024

    A spa day for a few friends is a fun option for tween or teen girls, either at a salon or DIY at home.

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