What are the best gift cards for teachers?
My go-to teacher gift ideas are always gift cards. They can be customized to any amount, and enable the teachers to pick out exactly what they want or need. It is so helpful when the school provides a list of individual teachers' preferences, but sometimes you just don't know much about what they like. In your opinion, what are the best gift cards for teachers overall?
We often do Target or Dunkin Donuts but these days we turned to Amazon since so many people including our family are ordering so many items online.
Amazon now has an option to personalize gift cards, so you can upload a photo of your student looking studious to be printed on the card. So the card is also a picture, which makes it both a personal gift and a practical one.
We did a local shop known for fun mixed drinks and treats in our downtown.
Great question - I hope lots of teachers weigh in to help us all out! These are the gift cards I usually pick from, too, and I always wonder what most teachers actually prefer. Amazon seems the most practical, but I also like to give gifts that allow teachers to treat themselves, and so tend to give local restaurant or Starbucks cards. Nordstrom is also great as a group gift, when you can give a fairly large amount.
I would suggest a local restaurant because it's also an experience- enjoy dinner or drinks on us! In turn, it's a gift towards the local community too.
If I were a teacher I would love ALL of these gift cards lol buttttt, StarBucks for the win :)