Which swaddle brand worked best for your baby?

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  •   -   04/28/2018

    I used to swaddle my kids in regular blankets. My oldest, a November baby, received a Gymboree blanket with little monkeys on it as a gift at birth and I used to swaddle him in that - it is still his favorite blanket and he is 9 years old now! My youngest was a July baby so I didn't swaddle him as often and when I did, I used the blue and pink hospital blankets since they are lightweight. He also developed an attachment and those are still his favorite blankets at age 7!

  •   -   04/30/2018

    Sleep sack! I looovveed these! I had several and used them for all three of my kids. It was great to prevent them from crawling out of the crib as they go older. And younger, it was perfect to act as a blanket before they were able to have a blanket in the crib with them.

    •   -   04/30/2018

      I got a lot of benefit out of the sleep sack too, especially when the kids were 12 to 18 months and getting brave about putting a leg up on the crib. These kept them from being able to climb out.

  •   -   04/28/2018

    I used the Woombie with my first upon a recommendation from the leader of my new moms'group and it was awesome for him. I did the muslin swaddled during the day the the Woombie for overnight. Loved it!

  •   -   05/11/2018

    I used the Woombie with my middle guy. He was so strong as a baby (still is at 8) that he would break out of every swaddle. Loved the zipper of the Woombie that he could not get out of. Literally a baby straight jacket and it worked!

    •   -   05/11/2018

      I haven't even heard of that one! I'll keep it in mind for future babies though- it seems like each little one needs something different!

    •   -   05/12/2018

      We also called it the baby straight jacket! The Woombie is the best!

  •   -   04/30/2018

    We found that the Halo brand had way too much fabric that kept coming up over my daughter's mouth because she was so squirmy :) Also the Velcro was super loud so I cringed every time we tried to reswaddle her! The Swaddle Me brand still had Velcro to keep things in place but a lot less of it and lot less fabric as well. The wingless Halo sleep sacks have been great now that she is no longer swaddled!

    •   -   05/02/2018

      I also didn't like the Halo. As you said, the Velcro was loud and my daughter always got her arm out between the wraps at odd angles. I also didn't like the mixed research on SIDS and swaddlers, especially after seeing the positions she could twist into. We swaddled with blankets occasionally after that while holding her, but gave it up pretty early on.

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