Would You Rather questions for kids?
Would You Rather questions for kids are a great conversation starter, and you might be surprised how much you learn about your family in the process! My kids love answering these questions at the dinner table or in the car, but it can be tough to come up with new ones on the spot. Add your favorite funny, challenging, and thought provoking Would You Rather questions kids love to the list!
Would you rather spend a year on a deserted island or a day in a cave full of tarantulas?
Would you rather be the funniest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
Would you rather always be in extremely hot weather, or extremely cold weather?
Would you rather have a 100% chance of winning $900, or a 90% chance of winning $1000?
Would you rather always feel like you have to sneeze, or always feel like you have to yawn?
Would you rather live in a small house by the beach or a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere?