Parent-Approved Products & Books for Potty Training
Potty training can be intimidating, but is an essential task that most parents (and their children) must endure. Once the process is learned, it can be quite liberating, but the best results happen when both the parent and child know what to expect.
These potty training books, resources and tools help parents and children face toilet training with confidence and greater odds of success - share any we've missed by adding a recommendation below, and check out other tips for potty training, too!
Tick Tock Potty Time Stickers and Chart
Incentives can go a long way when toilet training a toddler! Rather than dole out a jelly bean each time your child has a urinary or gastrointestinal success in the loo, consider this convenient chart with stickers instead. This particular pack hangs over the doorknob and features smiley stickers, but you could make your own with stickers that may appeal to your particular child.
Daniel Goes to the Potty
Hannah Scott said: We started reading this Daniel Tiger story (adapted from an episode of the beloved PBS show) with my son months before we ever actively pursued potty training. He loved pushing the button to make a flushing sound at different points throughout the story, and requested to read it every single night. By the time he showed interest in the toilet himself, he could finish every sentence! We used the song and many of the phrases from this book to remind him what to do, and potty training has been a breeze. I give all the credit to Daniel Tiger!
Once Upon a Potty
Nancy L. said: This classic children's book is available for girls or boys. It's adorable, simple, and effective when potty training your toddler.
Mayfair NextStep Toilet Seat with Built-in Potty Training Seat
Erin P. said: This is a great toddler training seat, because it attaches right to your regular toilet seat. Especially helpful if your young toilet trainee (like ours) has taken over the guest bathroom! Your company doesn't have to worry about removing a seat when they gotta go! This seat is available in 3 different colors, so you should be able to find one that matches your toilet!
Big Girl Panties
Nancy L. said: The girl in this book proudly proclaims, "Bye-bye diapers! I wear panties!" With colorful images and rhyming text, your child will feel the pride beaming from this character now that she wears panties just like her mom, grandma, and aunt because, "aunties wear panties!" This book will make you laugh, and, after one read, you'll have the rhyming text memorized.
Gerber Training Pants
Nancy L. said: The pediatrician recommended this style of underwear for potty training. These are a bit thicker and more absorbent than standard underwear so it will catch a small mess. But these give kids a boost of confidence making them feel like a "big kid" while training. These are available in a variety of sizes, styles, and characters for boys and girls.
Lisa R said: This simple book, by Leslie Patricelli, follows a little baby as she uses the potty for the very first time. The book poses simple, interactive questions, like "What does doggy do? What does kitty do?" When baby does finally manage to use the potty, she's rewarded with an array of what potty training kids care about most: big kid undies!
Ikea LOCKIG Children's Potty
This contraption is super affordable, light and easy to clean, and features an anti-slip bottom for safety. Your child will feel special with their own potty chair and begin to grow interested in the process by using this unique seat just for them!
Toilet-Time Targets
Maybe you have one of those boys who looks you right in the eye while telling a story and also peeing all over the toilet seat and bathroom floor. These toilet targets are for you (or him)! These fun targets keep the attention of wayward boys as they try to aim and drown the target, keeping the pee where it belongs. Insider tip: some use cereal like Cheerios for this exact purpose without having to purchase an additional product.
BabyBjörn Toilet Trainer
If the thought of emptying that tiny floor potty grosses you out, this is the training seat for your toddler! This convenient seat can slip right over your regular toilet, is easily cleaned, and is appropriate for both boys and girls.
Character Potty Training Chart Download
Erin P. said: When potty training, why not enlist the help of some of your toddler's favorite friends?? Check out this Paw Patrol potty training chart, and visit the shop to see many other character options!
Potty Watch
Kristy Pepping said: We used this watch with our third child and it worked really well. A lot of the challenge of potty training is learning when to use the potty. Before children get when to go on their own, this watch can be set at different intervals to go and try. It helps kids to get into a good pattern that eventually leads to going to the potty on their own.
Mommy's Helper Contoured Cushie Step Up
Kristy Pepping said: We recently bought one of these for our child who is potty training. It's great because it's a stool and potty seat in one. It folds flat to sit in the corner of your bathroom and can be easily and quickly set up for potty training time.
P is for Potty!
Molly Weber said: We purchased this book for our daughter a couple months ago and leave it on the shelf behind the toilet. It's a great way to quickly distract her before any fear kicks in about sitting on the potty. Now she will immediately request the book and sit on the potty for a few minutes while she looks through the different flaps and points out all the pictures there are to see.
Bambino Mio Potty Training Pants
Shila said: Consider purchasing potty training underwear that is semi water-resistant. Should your child have accidents, they'll still feel the sensation of wetness; but the thicker, absorbent inner layer will buy you a little more time than your typical "big kid underwear." They are machine washable, too.
Primary photo: charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
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