How creative is your Elf on the Shelf (scale of 1 to 5)?
It's fun to see all of the creative and hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas out there, but I tend to use them more for my own amusement than for actual inspiration. Sometimes we're lucky that our elf even remembers to move. I'm wondering how many actually implement these impressive ideas, and how many are more like mine! On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most impressive, how creative is your elf?
And if you want to weigh in on whether or not your family participates in this tradition, please vote on the Does your family do Elf on the Shelf poll!
Our elf likes to do mischievous things about half the time. The other half he just moves. The good thing is my kids love when the elf does the same stuff every year so that makes it pretty easy.
We just move ours room to room. Although he does creative things for my daugthers' birthdays which both fall after Thanksgiving and before Christmas. The girls seem to like this!
Some days I'm very creative with the elf's shenanigans but other days he just sits somewhere silly. Once a week I put his out of office on and he takes a day off.
Our elf plays a giant game of hide and seek. The kids compete to find him each morning and keep track of who wins each day. We put out a jar and the kids write letters to him and he sends them silly replies.