How far ahead do you plan meals for your family?

Coming up with dinner ideas ahead of time is one of those meal planning tips that makes feeding the family much easier. Is this part of your routine, and do you have any tips for getting it done?

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  •   -   06/07/2018

    A week in advance. I go grocery shopping Saturdays and buy what I need for the week of dinners. I do my meal planning Friday night since it is our only non-activity day!

    •   -   06/07/2018

      You're my hero! I go shopping every week but I still can't manage to plan dinners well, so around 4 every afternoon I start piecing things together!

      •   -   06/07/2018

        Well....if I could just get them all to actually EAT what is for dinner than I would consider it successful!

        •   -   06/10/2018

          I feel like the harder I work to plan and make a meal, the less likely everyone is to eat it!!! Nachos/tacos are on the menu pretty much weekly - easy to make, and everyone loves them!

        •   -   06/08/2018

          Lol! I feel ya on that one. Menu planning with picky eaters is challenging!

    •   -   06/07/2018

      I do the same thing. I plan out meals a week in advance and then make my grocery list from there. It'w not written in stone, but it helps me figure out what I need to buy and cuts down on multiple shopping trips.

  •   -   06/08/2018

    Like some of the others, I plan the menu over the weekend then shop on Sunday or Monday. I like having it all done for the week without multiple trips to the store. Of course we always run out of milk and bananas so I’m usually picking those up later in the week.

    •   -   06/08/2018

      We ALWAYS run out of eggs. I wish I had an extra fridge I could stock with only eggs!

      •   -   06/08/2018

        I luck out on eggs! A co-worker of my husband has chickens so he always has extra eggs that he gives my husband.

        •   -   06/10/2018

          Backyard chickens are a dream of mine...I go through eggs pretty quickly, too, and would love a fresh supply!

      •   -   06/09/2018

        Funny, my family doesn't eat eggs so we always have eggs in the house (for cooking).

        •   -   06/10/2018

          We eat them every morning for breakfast- my husband has two and my 1 year old daughter and I share two. So four a day means we go through a carton of 18 eggs in under a week!

  •   -   06/07/2018

    I loathe going to the grocery store so I try to plan meals for a few days at a time so I don't have to go shopping too often during the week.

  •   -   06/07/2018

    Sometimes I know in advance, but most nights I ask the kids what they want after school. I usually have enough staples to make most of their favorites, which are pretty low maintenance.

  •   -   06/08/2018

    I do one big grocery trip on the weekend and try to plan 4-5 meals for the week the night before. I leave myself the wiggle room in case things come up during the week or we get takeout because I don't feel like planning a meal!

  •   -   06/11/2018

    I always intend to meal plan on the weekend, but usually end up doing it last minute every night. My kids are super picky, so meal planning just frustrates me, because I know I'm the only one who will eat it! It's easy enough to whip up their roasted veggies, pasta, hot dog, chicken nugget rotation at the last minute...

  •   -   10/07/2024   -  (edited)

    Every weekend, I meal plan for the week ahead so I can just hit the grocery store once and be done with it. When I don't have a meal plan, it really throws our weeknights off balance. That being said, I really dislike meal planning and dread having to do it. So, I'm thinking of trying to do a few weeks at a time or even a month at a time. I'd still hit the store every week, but wouldn't have to plan as often.

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