How often do you go out for a date night?
After an exhausting talk about our boys' activity schedules my husband looked at me and said, "We haven't had a date night in a long time. We need to get out soon."
I realized that we had done a lot in the last few months, but it was with the kids or friends. It had been a while since it had been just us. While we love doing things as a family, my husband and I both feel we still need our time together to maintain our relationship.
That's why I want to ask you how often you and your partner make time for just each other.
We never get to do date night so we try when budget allows to go out for breakfast and lunch.
I love breakfast dates with my husband! Though we don't often get the opportunity, it is such a nice way to start the day together!
Date nights at home have become so much easier for my family, but I wouldn't mind a date night once a month once my little one gets a little older!
I do love a good date night at home too. Some times is even better because you can be in comfy clothes and don't have to pay for a sitter!
My husband and I haven't been on a date night since our first was born (he's almost 8!)...
Oh girl!! Put that on the To-Do list! I'm with you though -- "dating" in the traditional sense has never been natural in our marriage, even pre kids. I think it's the fact that the word "date" comes with a whole set of expectations. It's easier for me to plan something if I just think about spending time together without little ones. Less pressure that way.
Another "not often enough" response here! I go out every couple of weeks with girlfriends because it's the only time I see them, so then I end up sacrificing date nights with my husband. We have sitters, but we're both always so tired and the kids wake so early, that we never end up going out. I keep saying it'll change once we're out of the baby stage...
I feel like we get out with our friends so often that when it comes time to go out by ourselves, we stay home and save money. Also, my parents are our go to babysitters. They help me out all the time, that I feel bad asking them for a Saturday night.
On weeks when we are too busy in the evenings to schedule a date night, my husband and I try to schedule a lunch date instead...still gives us an hour or so of uninterrupted face to face time and a nice break to our days
It's a home date night for us! I do miss going out, but with 3 three kids and a 5 month old baby I can't get myself to trust leaving them with a sitter; I think there is another year at least of home date nights.
We try to go out at least once a month but we got a puppy six weeks ago which has kept us all close to home. We usually like to go to a nice dinner without the kids or get together with other couples for a night out.
Dinner out without the kids is always a treat! We love to sit at the bar on date nights simply because we can!
And a table for 2 is SO much easier to get than a table for 5!
Yep totally true! and got to be creative to keep the kids busy while waiting ...