If you could have eliminated one symptom from your pregnancy, what would it be?
As we all know, even the easiest of pregnancies comes with many symptoms. Some last a short time and some may last for the entire pregnancy. If you could have waved a magic wand and eliminated one symptom for the length of your pregnancy, what would it have been?
I had terrible pregnancy insomnia with all 4 pregnancies. With my 3rd it was so bad I bought a sewing machine and would spend hours sewing things in the middle of the night. The real kicker? I would be cured the instant I gave birth each time. Then I could have slept for a week straight....so unfair!
Good for you for turning it into a positive, though! I'm impressed that you started sewing projects in the middle of the night!
Truly unfair! Wish you could bank up sleep to last you through those first weeks!
Fortunately, I took after my Mom (who had 8 kids) and had three easy pregnancies. No morning sickness, not much fatigue, no weird cravings. The only thing I truly remember hating was when my ankles got swollen with my second child (that was the only pregnancy it happened). It was winter time and I could hardly stuff my feet in shoes. They were painful too. I have no idea why they got that way and they quickly returned back to normal after he was born.
Fatigue was the biggest issue for me. I remember being so lethargic that I couldn't get out of bed either. And with my second it was worse, because I was taking care of a one-year old who woke up everyday at 6 am on the dot. I would always nap when he napped. Every. Single. Time.
I've been lucky to have not had morning sickness or nausea throughout my pregnancies. Otherwise, I'm sure that would be what I would have wanted to eliminate!
Week 8 was by far the worst for me. I never had morning sickness, but I was SO TIRED. I would just text my boss, "I'm coming in at noon today, I'm so sorry!" because I truly couldn't drag myself out of bed!
I was the exact same way! Pregnancy fatigue is extreme - I never experienced feeling that tired again, even times where I've stayed up for 24 hours straight.