Moms, did you have pregnancy cravings?
Those pregnancy hormones can really throw our bodies for a loop. One minute its life as usual, and the next minute you think you may die if you don't get your hands on a plate of French fries smothered with cheese and gravy (er, talking about a *cough* friend). Tell us what your baby made you crave!
I'm not proud of this but I think I ate a Totino's Pizza every day for 30 days. And I kept going back to buy more at 7/11! I passed the store everyday and couldn't resist that flaky crust.
I craved pizza too with my first boy, and I was told expecting moms crave salty food when pregnant with boys however couldn't stop eating ice cream with my second boy!
Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Loved the cold, sweet taste especially during the heartburn stage!
I had various cravings throughout but the most consistent one from start to finish with both pregnancies was chocolate milk. I could not get enough. I drank a HUGE glass of chocolate milk every morning.
I completely forgot that I did this too! But it had to be Nestle Quik, and was always at 3 am! It tasted AMAZING. I tried some a few weeks after giving birth, and it was back to just being "meh".
I had the stereotypical cravings - citrus, sweets with my girl and salty, savory with my boy. My strangest had to be bologna on white bread with mustard sandwich....I "had" to have them...and I hadn't touched bologna since elementary school :)
I ate EVERYTHING. Although pregnant with boys, I couldn't get enough ice cream, chocolate milk or donuts.... but I also ate Einstein Bagels daily- specifically a toasted everything bagel with extra cream cheese, cucumbers and sprouts. Cream cheese is dairy, right?
All I wanted was potatoes! Starch all the way, baby! I could have eaten mashed potatoes or fries every day for the whole pregnancy!