Parents, how do you keep your family's activities organized?
I have three kids with three sets of activities. When the seasons change, I hold my breath and hope that I didn't sign up for too many activities on a certain day and time. I find summer especially challenging. So my question is how do you keep track of your family's activities? How do you ensure your kids know what extracurricular activity they are doing on each day?
I should be more modern but I like to have events/activities/appointments written down on a calendar so I can see it easily. My kids also like to help write things in so they see what we are doing. I use the Upparent calendar for creating our events list and to check out what is going on each week!
I was stubbornly holding out onto a physical calendar but my husband convinced me to move online because it provided both of us the chance to make changes at any time any place.
We are just starting to experience an overwhelming with kids activities. So far its just a reminder on my phone or a note on the fridge! However, recently I am struggling with remembering everything and few times I found myself double scheduling kids activities and playdates! So an S.O.S app organization Calendar is much needed
While I still keep a physical wall calendar with all of our activities to get a visual reminder, I have finally relented and keep a calendar on my phone as well as I find I'm often needing to check dates and times while out of the house and away from the calendar.
I do a combination of a dry erase wall calendar and a calendar on our phones. I've found with my kids sports schedules, things get moved or changed so often that my wall calendar is inaccurate early in the month (and I guess I'm too lazy to switch it all - ha)! It's much easier for me to change in on the phone than the physical calendar.
This is a great question! I'm interested in how other families do it because it took mine a long time to figure out one for us. My husband and I use the Cozi app for the entire family's calendar. Plans aren't considered confirmed unless they're locked in on Cozi. Then I copy the major events or one-off activities to a physical calendar because I need to see those in writing to make sure it sinks into my memory.
I am a divorced mom that works 3-12 hour overnight shifts a week, so our schedule is full of events likes sports and tutoring and since I don't work a M-F job- every day is different. So to keep everyone organized, I have a personal calendar on my phone for all kids information as well as personal appointments, a Google calendar that I put sporting events, Dr. appts, overnight schedules and parenting schedules, etc that my ex husband has access too and a paper calendar so my kids know when they have events, when I am working and where they are spending the night every night. It's a lot of repetition, but I think we would all be a mess without it!
I love my day planner. I have used an Erin Condren planner for a few years now, and it works great for me! I also love that I can personalize the cover with pictures of my kiddos.