Potty Chair vs Potty Seat?
There are so many products on the market these days to help parents with potty training! One (somewhat) recent addition that I didn't use for my older two kids but am using now with my younger two is one of those potty training seats that easily and temporarily fits over your toilet.
Though I initially stuck with a traditional potty chair when I started potty training my third (you know, those stand-alone, toddler-sized plastic potties meant for potty training), we later bought a potty training seat and love it!
What worked best for your family - potty training with a potty chair or potty seat?
My boys were both little and I think they liked having their own little potty seat as the toilet probably seemed big to them. But I think a potty chair would have made for an easier clean up for sure!
I actually found it useful to have both. The training chair is WAY easier on me as a parent since clean up is so much quicker and neater, but one of my two boys much preferred the smaller, shorter potty when he was first getting started. His brother wasn't intimidated at all by the height of the potty seat, which was great, but I think it would have taken us a lot longer to potty train my other little guy without the smaller seat for him to start on.