What is your go-to form of exercise?
I am looking for some inspiration and help! I love my yoga class and also like running outside. However, come winter running outdoors is no longer an option. So I am curious what you all do for exercise? What is your number one workout method?
This changes frequently, but I currently find that the DVDs are a great option for working out during nap time so I don't have to leave home! :) Love Beachbody 21 Day Fix and Jillian Michaels DVDs :)
Check out the free online workout videos from Popsugar Fitness. They are awesome, and there are so many of them that you don't have to get stuck in a rut doing the same video over and over again. They also vary in length and intensity/focus, so you can pick something based on how much time (or energy!) you have. www.popsugar.com
Thanks for sharing! These will be great for the days I can't get outside or away from the kids.
Wow thanks for the great tip Kelly! I will check it out in the Fall for sure!
During the school year I belong to the YMCA and do exercise classes and run. During the summer I put the Y on hold because my kids are getting older and don’t want to go to the child care. So I purchased Beach Body On Demand to watch on our ROKU tv and have beer loving them! I may just stick with the at home workout when the school year starts up again.
I don't particularly "like" exercising so I try to do a little bit of everything to mix it up and not get bored or frustrated. It helps me to stay motivated when keeping up with a regular exercise routine.
I always have loved walking outdoors and took up running a few years ago. I love the change of scenery that both give you.
Yes! I ran in high school, and though I've never been a particularly strong runner, it is always my go-to form of exercise. I love being out and moving around, and it feels so much easier to just put on my running shoes and go than to do most anything else. Routine, I guess!
I enjoy swimming. Outdoor pools in the summer are great, and the YMCA or park district pools have pretty flexible hours year round.