What's the best way for a new mom to exercise?
It's so hard to get back into working out after having a baby. I know when I was nursing it was painful for me to run. I think it depends on the season, but I loved going on walks with the baby and my older kid(s) when it was still too early for me to get back to the gym.
I was always an active exerciser before kids but once my first was born and nursing and sleep deprivation set in, walking him in the stroller was pretty much my limit. He liked the movement and I liked to get out of the house for the break and fresh air.
I went on a lot of mall walks with my oldest (a winter baby!). As our family grew, we decided to join a gym that offers child care. This is a great opportunity to workout and enjoy a little time to myself while I know that the kids are also enjoying themselves in the playroom!
The mall was my saving grace for indoor walks with my babies! When the weather was too cold or rainy to be outside I always headed to the mall to do laps with the stroller.
As a newborn my first son did not sleep unless he was moving. I did A LOT of walking around my town on maternity leave. I was so exhausted some days it hurt to put my sneakers on but a sleeping baby, fresh air and the exercise were worth it. I still love going on walks with my kids and I'm happy they usually like going as well.
When my kids were little, I would workout at home and really, still do from time to time. I have workout DVDs, an ellptical machine and a mini trampoline which are all great for when kids are napping. Now, I will wake up early and get a workout in before the school/work day begins.
I think the easiest for me was doing workouts at home, I looked up some yoga videos and did that with the kids nearby/sleeping.
I agree! It took me a long time to get the motivation and energy to work out, but when I did, during my daughter's first nap at home was the easiest. I didn't have to worry about finding someone to watch her and if I was lucky she took a long enough nap for me to exercise to a DVD and shower too! ;)