When did you start solids?
Oh wow. My son just turned 6 months yesterday. I gave him sweet potatoes and he seemed fine.
We did sweet potatoes first, too! If the food is pureed they are totally good to go at 6 months. You're doing great! :)
He loved it! Wanted to feed himself😂
I started around six months with my kids, but knowing what I know now, I'd probably wait longer. Just because babies are supposed to meet milestones like mastering the pincer grasp and sitting up unassisted before starting solids, and I didn't know all of that!
I also followed that approach and waited until 6 months. My kids were all preemies, so with my youngest, we even waited until closer to 7 months because she still wasn't sitting up well at 6 months!
My kids both started solids at 6 months old. They were both ready and the transition was fairly easy.
I started my kids on solids right at 6 months. They were all sitting well and showing an interest in what we were eating. I believe I started them all off with mashed bananas, followed by pureed squash, peas, and other veggies.
My daughter she started early at 4.5 months my son started solids at 6 months