When your child is in a play, do you attend every performance?
First time theatre mom here. My child will be in four shows over the course of three days. Is it customary for a parent to attend all of the performances?
Coming back to comment on my own poll now that this same child is getting ready to perform in her 14th production, and her sibling became a theater kid as well! It is definitely not expected for parents to attend every performance. Some do, most do not. It gets expensive to purchase tickets to every single show when a production can often have 4-6+ performances, not to mention the time investment. Every single production that my kids have participated in (expect for high school) has been in desperate need of parent volunteers, and I would argue that your presence backstage is more important than filling a seat in the audience. I always see the show once or twice, and help out backstage during the rest of the performances.