Which family members do you do stocking stuffers for?
As a child, we would travel to Boston to see my aunt, uncle and cousins. My aunt and uncle would always do stocking stuffers for the adults too. I thought this was so cool as a kid that Santa would fill the adults' stockings too. I have carried on this tradition with my own family.
What do you do? Does everyone get their stocking filled on Christmas?
My kids love getting stocking gifts. I try really hard not to spend too much and give them smaller less expensive items, some of which I would buy anyway (toothbrushes, socks and Chapstick), small toys, plus fruit and a candy cane.
When we have Christmas with my extended family, we've always done stockings for the entire family. A couple of years ago, my mother and aunts decided we'd only do it for the youngest generation going forward. I've continued to put a few things in a stocking for my husband and I though, because we have gorgeous handmade stockings and I like the idea of all of us having stockings. Our gifts are things like spatulas and phone chargers though!
We give each other batteries for all the kids' new toys. I like practical gifts!
So we do kind of both. When we exchange family gifts (usually the night before Christmas), my husband and I give each other stocking stuffers and the kids get them from us too. Then on Christmas morning Santa just fills the kids.
I just do stockings for the kids. As others have said, I put in small inexpensive items, most of which I would get them anyway. I like to top the stocking with a package of new underwear, which reminds them of the kid in The Polar Express who got underwear. It cracks them up that Santa would bring anyone underwear!
We read a picture book last year and the kid got underwear for his birthday present. My kids were in hysterics that underwear was his gift. I have to get that book again, it was really funny.
We do stocking stuffers for everyone in our immediate family and we also do them for my parents and sister. It's actually one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
I always do stockings for my kids, but I've also been doing one for my husband the past couple years. He's a big kid anyway!
I love to do stocking stuffers for every member in my family, grandma and grandpa included!
We love doing stockings after all the other presents have been opened! It's always a nice surprise- because somehow every year I forget about them!