Who is looking forward to summer vacation more in your household?
I think we’re all ready for a break in the school routine and the lazy days of summer. But...I’m sure it will only take about a month of everyone being home until I’m ready for them to go back.
My older son just started having a true break from school last year after he finished kindergarten. I work full-time and my boys will go to camp for most of the summer, so we still have to get up and out of the house daily. The break from homework and the schedule of school and extracurricular activities will be nice.
We are all ready for summer break! Can't wait to sleep in, relax and spend time together!
I like routine and I think my kids work better on a schedule too. Summer break makes me a little nervous! While I know the kids could use a break from school, it becomes harder to balance my work life with their temporary home life!