Would you let a preschooler wear whatever they want?
My preschooler is really into Fancy Nancy and wants to dress just like the characters, which means a lot of princess dresses, tutus & accessories and not a lot of matching. She has a few favorite items that she wears repeatedly and puts up a fuss when I try to steer her to something else. For the most part, I just let her wear what she wants.
How do you handle your child's willful fashion choices?
My boys never really seemed to care what they wore, except my youngest always wanted shirts that had firetrucks, Spider Man or to just wear his fireman gear. I let them wear what they wanted at that age, and still do, as long as they are dressed for the weather. One morning right before we were leaving for school, my youngest decided he didnt like pants anymore. He changed his mind when I opened the front door and the March cold air blew in on his bare legs.
What is with boys not liking pants?! My 5 year old wants to wear shorts every day. We live in New England, it's frigid here from November to March, yet he asks every day!
My 8yo is the same way. He wears athletic leggings under his shorts so if he gets hot he can pull them up. I do agree that his school is hot during the day but I never know when they will have outside recess.
Hah! What a great way to help him see why pants are important :)
I think if it was warm out, he would have tried to go in just his underwear, sneakers and shirt. Before he realized the cold, I said, fine, go to school with no pants and see what happens. By that point we were already 10 minutes late. One of those mornings when I was ready for bed at 9:30 am.
My older daughter has always been something of a fashion diva (the first time she crawled it was toward pink, sparkly shoes). She often wore creative (non-matching) outfits to preschool, which was fine by me. I drew the line at dress-up clothes (like princess dresses) or her top choice (swimsuit), so many tears were spilled! I love seeing kids express their own sense of style.
Your daughter and mine would be friends! I pretty much let mine wear whatever crazy combo she wants to school as long as it's seasonally appropriate and won't be uncomfortable or cause a distraction - no lace-up shoes, jewelry, princess dresses etc. She does regularly wear her princess stuff on errands, but I make sure she has something practical on underneath and a big backpack to stuff the dress into in case it starts to get in the way. I figure she should enjoy it while it makes her happy and seeing her dressed up seems to make other people happy too.
So smart to have a backup plan, Lisa. They can be so quick to change their minds! My daughter also wore her favorite princess dress to the library or grocery store on the regular. It did make other people happy - who doesn't love a preschooler in a princess dress or superhero costume?
As long as they were dressed appropriately for school and the weather, especially footwear-wise, I didn't put many restrictions on my kids. Once they got to be about 4 neither of my boys would wear pants with buttons anymore. We had some debates when it was picture day or a special occasion for which they needed to be a bit more dressed up than their typical sweatpants and T-shirts look.
My older son is the same way. He hates jeans and dress pants (poor kid has to wear school uniforms every day). He strips the second we walk in the door, lol. He has always reminded me of Huckleberry Finn - just can't tame him.
Boys crack me up with their “style”. Athletic wear every day in my house too. Jeans are considered “dress” clothes.
My youngest only like sweatpants, after that day when liked no pants. I bought about 10 pairs on Black Friday and gave them to him. Wouldn't you know that Monday morning after break, for the first time in his history, he asked to wear jeans. With a belt. Coming from the kid who wouldn't even wear snap pants because it is too much work when using the bathroom. Boys!
When my kids were in preschool I'd choose for them, which rarely was an issue. Now that they are older, as long as it's clean and school/ weather appropriate they're generally welcome to wear whatever they choose.
Yes within reason. If they come out of their rooms with some crazy look, I may make them change, but if they put on a bunch of crazy colors, but are dressed for the weather, I usually let it pass. I remember my mom always picking out my clothes for me so not sure why I am winging it! I guess all is good since I have never gotten a call from any of their schools requesting they change!