How much do you spend on teachers gifts for the holidays?
I just, in a very panicked manner, ran out to buy my daughter's daycare teachers a gift as tomorrow is her last day there before Christmas. I had no idea how much to spend, what to get, or if it's expected to get them something in the first place? Curious about other people's thoughts on this!
When we only had one classroom teacher, I spent around $25 to $30. The older they get the more teachers they have! It's around $10-$20 now. But, I also do something small for them when they start school, sometimes my daughter just bakes and brings in treats to her teachers, we get them something at valentine's day, teacher appreciation week and then I'll spend a little extra at the end of the year, maybe another $10-$20. Teachers are appreciativeof anything that shows you know how hard they are working! Have the younger ones make a picture and say their favorite thing about their teacher or even just school supplies that often times teachers are supplimenting with their own money!
I love these ideas!! It really does start to get expensive as you add more teachers to the mix, but thoughtful gestures like a note with a picture, or donating school supplies so they don't have to buy as much, are such a wonderful way to say, "thank you for all you do, we notice it and appreciate it!"
Typically we get $25 gift cards for teachers although some years I've contributed towards a class gift. We also do smaller gifts for the bus drivers.
Our school district has a limit of $25/teacher. I usually spend $25 on my kids teachers and around $5 each on the specials teachers. My oldest has such a big heart and always wants to buy all the specials teachers and his friends gifts at school except he wants to use my money and not his own. Ha!
We spend $15 for the classroom teachers. Less for specials this year was our first middle school experience and we did $10.
I struggle with how much to give when they have a lot of teachers like in middle school, but have generally been landing on $10 each, too. It sure does add up though!