What non-lullaby songs do you sing to put baby to sleep?
Each time any of my kids were born, I spent way too much time in those sleep-deprived early months racking my brains for bedtime books or songs to sing to soothe them to sleep. Because, did you know that Rock A Bye Baby will only get you, like, 20 seconds of singing time? And it took me way, waaaaay longer than 20 seconds to get each of those babies to sleep!
I usually ended up settling into a rotation of some of my favorite Disney songs, with a few random ballads or soothing church songs thrown into the mix. What non-lullaby songs did you sing at bedtime to help your babies fall asleep?
Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul, and Mary
I've loved this song since I was a kid!
It became a really sad song for me as a parent!
I actually remember getting teary from it as a kid! Poor Puff, heading into his cave all alone....ah, growing up, and the inexorable passage of time. (Yes, I was quite a sensitive child!)
Everything will be alright bob marley, you are my sunshine,
Our whole family loves the songs from Moana! How Far I'll Go and Where You Are are also frequent karaoke choices over here. :)
Beauty and the Beast
The all time favorite all of my kids like to hear sang is The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
My kids have all loved that song, too! We had this adorable picture book for my two older kids that added several verses I had never heard before, and we sang all of them over and over and over again. Sadly, we lost the book and haven't been able to find it anywhere for our younger two, so I just make the verses up myself as best I can remember them. :)