Tips for Relieving Morning Sickness in Pregnancy
Morning sickness. Ugh!! Of all the many (many) uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms, this is by far my least favorite, especially since it lingers all day long and for weeks on end! I tend to combat it by eating all day long, but would love to have a few more tricks up my sleeve and see if I can't keep this early pregnancy weight gain to more reasonable levels! Short of medication, what morning sickness remedies, tricks or strategies helped you get through those first months of pregnancy?
Ugh I was so sick for all three the first three months. Plain crackers, ginger ale, lots of water.
I kept sleeves of Ritz and Saltines near me at all times during those early months. Nibbling all day on those throughout the day definitely helped ease the nausea.
I tried Sea-Bands for pregnancy nausea (which for me didn't really seem to be limited to the morning!) and they seemed to help a little.
Ginger can help. I did fresh ginger tea - thinly sliced ginger in boiling water with a little honey. But you could also try a good ginger ale, ginger candy, or even ginger essential oil for aromatherapy.
I'd never considered making my own ginger tea - thanks for the tip! I did just discover some ginger chews at Trader Joes that seem promising, though!