
Age 7+ (1-8 players)

A variation on Scrabble, each player in Bananagrams picks a certain number of tiles and then players race against each other to form personal crossword puzzles using all of their letters. There are endless opportunities to modify for kids and it's great spelling practice!

We love bringing this one out for adult game night after the kids go to bed, too!

This is essentially "speed scrabble" - such a fun game for larger groups! I first played speed scrabble at a family reunion using letters from 3-4 scrabble sets to play with maybe a dozen people. It was a wild, fun time!

Bananagrams is a great stocking stuffer for kids that will get them thinking! If your kids like Scrabble, they will also love this word game. Adults and kids will enjoy playing together. Younger ones can buddy up with someone older.

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